Practical Ascension — Last Quarter Moon

The Moon enters its last quarter while traversing mid-Virgo at 10:30 am EST Thursday morning. Sunrise tomorrow will find half-lit Luna already ascending to its highest point in the sky, closing in on a square to the Sagittarius Sun. Like all square aspects, the lunar last quarter is often accompanied by tension originating from within, what Dane Rudhyar called a “crisis in consciousness.” This month, that crisis will be more like an opportunity to practice raising consciousness.

Astrology by Len Wallick

With practice, you get better. It is no stretch, therefore, to see this last quarter of the Moon’s monthly cycle as practice for when the Sun enters the the last quarter of its annual cycle at the Capricorn Solstice on Dec. 21.

When the Sun enters Capricorn this year, it will come with a lot of baggage. Some of that baggage you will need to lift and carry. The rest of it, you will not need at all. Discerning what you need to lift, and how to carry it forward, will take some practice. Among the baggage that will accompany the new season initiated by solar Capricorn is some conjecture about a miraculous ascension, variously interpreted as a crisis — or delivery from one.

Anybody who is conscious knows that Earth is already in crisis. Anybody who is practical knows that the crisis confronting our planet was brought on by human beings. We have mined the oceans to depletion, deforested nearly all of the land, and poisoned the air. Clearly some type of ascension is in order. The only question is what form that will take. Only one form is supported by practice.

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