What Life Is Worth — Sagittarius New Moon

But if you know what life is worth, you will look for yours on Earth.
Bob Marley and Peter Tosh, “Get Up, Stand Up”

The last New Moon of 2012 will take place at 21+ Sagittarius, 3:42 am EST Thursday. A New Moon is a conjunction of the luminaries, Sun and Moon. It also starts a new lunar cycle. The aspects to a New Moon are a graphic set of relationships that imply something of the cycle about to begin. Taken together, the timing and aspects to Thursday’s New Moon invite you to participate in a new cycle here on Earth, affirming the value of your own life and that of others.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The Sagittarius New Moon, eight days before the Sun enters Capricorn initiating a new season, strongly suggests that this is time of beginnings, not endings. That is important news, and spreading the news is one way you can affirm life and refute pernicious prophesy.

Just as a New Moon is hidden from our view, some hide fear of a pernicious, and false, prophesy that the world will end at the Capricorn Solstice. Among those who conceal that anxiety are those who take it seriously enough to get lost in fear and grief, possibly bringing loss and grief to others in the bargain. The potential for such a preventable tragedy is symbolized by a centaur object that will participate with the luminaries in their Sagittarius conjunction.

Among the objects that will share the same degree of Sagittarius with the New Moon is Hylonome. In mythology, Hylonome was a centaur suddenly lost in grief over the violent death of her beloved, Cyllarus, losing her own resolve to live in the bargain. In astrology, Hylonome is a centaur object of the solar system with an orbit proximate to both Uranus (the sudden and unexpected), and Neptune (lost in loss). In a fascinating synchronicity, two other objects, both emblematic of love, will be crowded into the same conjunction with Hylonome and the luminaries — the hypothetical planet Cupido, and the asteroid Aphrodite.

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