You Done Good — Neptune and the Capricorn Solstice

The solstice happens at the same instant for all of us, everywhere on Earth.
Deborah Byrd, goddess of science journalism

Way back on Sept. 22, the Sun entered Libra, initiating a new season and an equinox just hours after retrograde Neptune returned to the first degree of Pisces to receive a quincunx (150 degrees of separation) from the Sun. Neptune has occupied the first degree of Pisces ever since, filling a special role.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Since then, nearly every object that has moved from one sign to another has made its first aspect from the new sign to Neptune, and the Sun was the first. It’s as though Neptune has been holding the door open for change.

At 6:11 am EST Friday, when the Sun enters Capricorn to initiate a new season and a solstice, Neptune will still be in the first degree of Pisces receiving a sextile (60 degrees of separation) from the Sun. With the exception of the Moon, the newly Capricorn Sun will be the last object to shift sign and immediately aspect Neptune on the threshold of its rulership. A few days after the solstice, Neptune will leave that portal behind for the last time until the 22nd Century has grown old.

The Sun, to paraphrase Robert Hand, represents consciousness shining forth — yours, and at the same time, the consciousness of every being on Earth. Hand also refers to Neptune as the stuff of dreams. A quincunx often represents an awkward, and myopic relationship between the objects in aspect. A quincunx from the Sun to Neptune thus symbolizes the fallible human, you, and all of us at once, everywhere on Earth. The fallible human in need of adjustment, but still worthy of love for possession of consciousness in quest of a dream.

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