Also Spiritual — Mercury and Venus This Weekend

Mercury and Venus will make separate, but virtually simultaneous, conjunctions with spiritual implications on Sunday. Mercury’s nascent Capricorn adventure crosses paths with Pluto at 11:43 am EST. Less than three hours later, Venus conjoins the core of our galaxy near the end of its Sagittarius sojourn.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Both mergers will be brief, emulating the short shrift spirituality often receives in our time, but giving you enough time to check yourself out.

Spiritual is not the same as religious. Religions, more often than not, distinguish themselves as ideology. Spirituality, in the context offered for use here, asserts that there is more to our existence than property and politics.

Mercury conjunct Pluto will symbolize the larger, more complex picture of spirituality in the world. In joining, both will be in a tight sextile to Saturn in Scorpio. At the same time, both Mercury and Pluto will be semi-sextile to Mars next door in Aquarius, all to the degree.

Saturn’s sextile to Pluto is more than an aspect, it is an exchange. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Pluto has occupied Capricorn since 2008, long enough to have incurred some squatter’s rights. Saturn’s October 2012 ingress to Scorpio, in turn, put Saturn in Pluto’s signature domain. Two planets occupying each other’s dominion is called mutual reception.

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