In Saturn’s Dominion — Venus Enters Capricorn

Imagine all the people living for today.
— John Lennon

Venus enters Capricorn at 11:11 pm EST tonight, as many of us complete a transition from holidays back to work. It’s good timing. With ingress to cardinal earth, Venus will symbolically add its energy to the subject of work, an area of emphasis for astrology in general right now. That’s because Venus will be included among the significant number of major, sign-ruling planets under the dominion of Saturn, which, in turn, corresponds to work in your life.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Saturn, in the words of Robert Hand, “represents the way you see and experience the universe as you have structured it.” The structure of your life is probably determined largely by how you support yourself. Hence, the ringed one’s correspondence to work.

Saturn rules Capricorn, where tonight Venus will join the Sun, Mercury and Pluto (and the asteroid Juno, though Juno does not rule a sign). Saturn is also the traditional ruler of Aquarius, current residence of Mars. Additionally, on Thursday the Moon will enter Capricorn, not leaving Aquarius until Monday. Just for fun, let us go around the zodiac (beginning with Aries) and audit Saturn’s influence this week.

Aries is ruled by Mars, Taurus by Venus, Gemini by Mercury, Cancer by the Moon, Leo by the Sun, Virgo by Mercury, Libra by Venus, Scorpio by Pluto (or Mars), Sagittarius by Jupiter (currently retrograde in Gemini), Capricorn and Aquarius by Saturn (Uranus is modern co-ruler of Aquarius) and finally Pisces, where Jupiter ruled before the discovery of Neptune. In other words, the planetary lord of the rings, either directly or by proxy, really does rule them all for the near future. It makes Monsanto look like small potatoes. Fortunately, unlike Monsanto or Sauron, the true nature of Saturn is not as malicious as its reputation.

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