Mindful of the Past — Capricorn New Moon

The Moon will join the Sun in the same degree of Capricorn tomorrow at 2:44 pm EST. That will be a New Moon, when Luna is invisible between Earth and the Sun, adding its emotional component to solar consciousness, pulling us towards a new cycle. Conjoined with the luminaries (Sun and Moon), asteroid Requiem will symbolically remind us that beginnings are best undertaken while mindful and in acceptance of the past.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Tomorrow’s New Moon has a past. It has to do with four of the objects that will occupy Capricorn with the conjoined luminaries, and a planet that will this year auspiciously oppose one of those objects.

Capricorn is a busy slice of the zodiac right now. In addition to the Sun, Moon and Requiem, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, Juno and at least a dozen other members of the solar system currently inhabit cardinal earth. Slow Pluto has been there the longest. Interestingly, it is swift Mercury’s position that makes it appropriate to consider how Pluto’s conclusive entry to Capricorn in 2008 is the past event we should be minding now.

It was Nov. 26, 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn to begin about 15 unbroken years of residency. Venus was there waiting in the same degree Mercury will occupy for tomorrow’s New Moon. In other words, Mercury is about to transit Venus’ position on the natal chart for Pluto’s continuous journey through Capricorn. Upon occasion of that transit, Robert Hand has written that “You can see the patterns inherent in the universe and appreciate them aesthetically.” That gives special significance to where the Sun and Moon are about to converge.

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