Revealing Response — Venus Conjunct Pluto

Venus will reach the same degree of Capricorn occupied by Pluto at 8:29 pm EST tomorrow (Wednesday). The conjunction will probably correspond to strong emotions. That does not mean you should hide under the bed. All told, there could be a very good outcome to the aspect.  

Astrology by Len Wallick

That’s because the responses associated with a merger of Venus and Pluto reveal important information about yourself and others, information that will ultimately manifest in reality.

When once asked about his own natal Venus-Pluto conjunction in Cancer, Al H. Morrison reportedly replied “lust” in a salacious tone. His response revealed a provocative astrologer with wry humor, which is what he was.

Since we have the word of Al Morrison that lust could be one of the strong emotions provoking you and others tomorrow, it would make sense to consider what happened when another notable personage held forth on the subject shortly after a Libra conjunction of Venus and Pluto in 1976.

Late in his first campaign for president, Jimmy Carter disclosed that he had “looked on many women with lust.” The comment generated some flack from people who would not have voted for him anyway. Beyond that, it did not cost him the election to reveal what he had in common with nearly everybody else. There is a valuable lesson in that. When you respond to issues that surround Venus conjunct Pluto, tell the truth to and about yourself as the first order of business, so as to reveal your character and enhance your reputation.

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