Unconventional Wisdom — Sun sextile Uranus

As the Aquarius Sun closes in to sextile Uranus in Aries at 11:46 pm Thursday, you may want to acknowledge the unconventional. That means taking note of anything unusual. It also means being open to alternatives. If astrology is any indicator, this week’s observations and correlations of the unconventional will prepare you to feel your way through evaluating the novel and implementing untried strategies later this season and into the next.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Regardless of the season, the Sun is consciousness for astrology. That is true especially for consciousness made evident. The Sun’s aspect to any given object illuminates a degree of consciousness.

When the Sun opposes an object or point, it is illuminated fully. The Full Moon is a good example of the principle in tangible reality. The same axiom applies symbolically. Each aspect from the Sun represents a degree of consciousness. A closing sextile (a separation of 60 degrees preceding conjunction) represents the limit of conscious acknowledgement, after which it becomes a matter of feel.

Imagine holding hands with 11 other people in a circle. Consider the means by which, and the degree to which, the consciousness of each member of the circle is evident to you. Assuming available light, the eyes of a person directly across from you would be plain to see, along with what eyes reveal of consciousness.

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