Simple and Deep — Leo Full Moon

Meaning is not in things, but in between them.
— Norman O. Brown

The entire side of the Moon facing Earth will be fully illuminated at 11:38 PM EST Saturday. That will be a Leo Full Moon, reflecting the Aquarius Sun’s light from where the Sun rules. It happens nearly every year, revealing all of the lunar from the solar dominion. It is a luminous image both simple and deep, of you looking out and in at once, seeing corollary and complement, finding meaning in between.

Astrology by Len Wallick

This year, the luminary image of corollary and compliment is taken deeper by what will be equidistant on either side of the Full Moon. From Virgo, the asteroid Dionysus will sextile the Uranian point Kronos in Cancer.

The sextile from Dionysus to Kronos will form the angular base of an aspect called a yod. The opposition of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) will form either end of the linear axis in the yod’s peace symbol shaped motif. Late last year, Eric observed that “In a yod pattern, the planet at the end is sometimes thought to resolve the issue described by the aspect structure.” This weekend’s Full Moon yod will have two ends, which, in a manner both simple and deep, will constitute both the issue and its resolution.

Appropriately, the basics of the issue are illustrated by the sextile at the base of the yod. Kronos is not an object. It is a point in space, calculated to be interpreted as though it is an object. It is named after the Greek equivalent of the Roman Saturn, and it is calculated to, in the words of Arlene Kramer, represent “the ultimate in authority.” Like its material compliment and counterpart, Saturn, the authority of Kronos is ultimate because it is the personal authority individuals invest in a group.

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