What’s New — Leo New Moon 2014

When the Sun and Moon conjoin at 3+ Leo just before 6:42 pm EDT (22:42 UT) Saturday, work to distinguish what’s new in order to have your situation in hand. Based on its timing and context, the impending Leo New Moon implies something new is, in fact, at hand. Your part is to grasp the situation.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Begin with the sky, and consider. Consider how every object in the solar system visible to the unaided eye will either have changed sign or changed direction since July 13 when the luminaries conjoin on Saturday.

That’s right. In less than two weeks, the Sun, Moon (repeatedly, of course), Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter have all already changed signs.

As tomorrow merges into Saturday, Mars will follow suit when it moves into tropical Scorpio after having been confined to Libra (as a consequence of retrograde) since Dec. 7 last year. Saturn, for its part, resumed direct apparent motion only last Sunday after being in retrograde since March 2 of this year.

Next, take into account the idea upon which astrology is based. The idea is that you are part of the solar system, and that the motions in the sky above correlate with movements in your life here on Earth.

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