Perception and Response — Jupiter Station Direct

When Jupiter’s Gemini journey resumes direct motion tomorrow at 6:37 am EST, you will have a role in what it means. Most plainly, it will mean all the major, sign-ruling planets will be moving forward until Saturn stations retrograde on Feb. 18. Such a cosmic consensus does not happen every day.

Astrology by Len Wallick

How you perceive and respond to that consensus will contribute to how its implied themes of advancement and growth express in your life. When the major planets are all direct, some advancement is almost a matter of course. When Jupiter completes the pattern, however, what grows from it will not be a given. Your participation, or lack of it, will be definitive.

Jupiter, in the words of Robert Hand “is a planet of growth and enlargement.” Direct motion usually corresponds to a stronger expression of Jupiter’s nature in your world, but Jupiter’s placement in mutable, dualistic Gemini indicates that the outcome is an open question.

The question is, what will be advancing more strongly, and to what extent? Only you can answer that question. That’s because the trends indicated by astrology do not just happen to you. You have a part in determining the outcome. You help define how the patterns manifest. Your perceptions and responses contribute to the direction and consequences of the trends.

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