Your Mission — Changes of Venus and Mars

Mars and Venus will synchronize their respective sign changes very closely as the weekend begins. Tomorrow at 8:54 pm EST, Mars enters Pisces direct from an eventful tour of Aquarius. Less then an hour later, at 9:46 pm, Venus fills the the Aquarius vacancy, moving over from Capricorn. Both planets are on course for a conjunction and in the middle of a long disjunction that corresponds to your life now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Looking down the road, Venus will catch up with Mars for an Aries conjunction during the first weekend of this coming April. Like all conjunctions it represents, among other things, the beginning of a new cycle.

The most familiar cycle that begins and ends with a conjunction involves the luminaries, Sun and Moon. Every 29.5 days or so, the luminaries begin a new cycle (or lunation) with a conjunction called a New Moon. Venus and Mars also have cycles that begin with conjunctions. Because of how we move relative to Venus and Mars, their mutual cycles have been observed to be more complex, but no less regular, than those of the Sun and Moon. That is, until 1960.

About two and a half years ago, Robert Blaschke published a Mountain Astrologer blog demonstrating that the Venus-Mars cycles, which “repeated like clockwork since 1761,” began a century-long period of aberrations in 1960. Based on the intuitive association Venus and Mars have with gender, Mr. Blaschke offered a hypothesis. His theory was that the interval of irregularity, ending in 2060, corresponds to an era of when the relationship between women and men will be undergoing transmutation.

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