Antidote — Sun Conjunct Nessus (and Lilith too)

Can you look out the window without your shadow getting in the way?
— Sarah McLachlan

The Aquarius Sun’s conjunction with centaur object Nessus on Thursday may illuminate what props up an established order that serves few at the expense of many. Informing the solar conjunction will be a precise and timely trine (air sign to air sign) from the osculating lunar apogee — also known as Black Moon Lilith.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Black Moon Lilith (the lunar apogee) dancing through Gemini may represent a symbolic antidote to the hypocrisy behind the currently dominant paradigm of power.

The apogee of the lunar orbit corresponds to its greatest distance from Earth. The hypothetical point correlating to the Moon’s farthest potential removal from us is a symbol not only of estrangement, but also a contrast to the perigee.

The perigee, the closest approach an orbiting body makes to the thing it orbits (which has stronger gravity), represents, in the words of Philip Sedgwick, “The priority list and urgent concerns” of the submissive object. For the Moon, that would appear to include deep emotional needs symbolically nurtured by proximity to the physically dominant Earth.

Assuming that interpretation of a perigee, it would make sense if the apogee were emblematic of something very different and potentially even more powerful. In the case of the Moon’s archetype of personal consciousness, that would be the public consciousness represented by the Sun.

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