The Big Wound Up — Sun Enters Pisces

The Sun joins near-Earth asteroids Eros and Cuno in the first degree of Pisces at 7:01 am EST Monday. The mutable water of Pisces is where the zodiac winds up in both senses of the term. It is like the sea where all rivers end. It’s also analogous to the spring at the heart of an old-fashioned watch.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The initial solar conjunction to Eros and Cuno, and the major stellium further into Pisces, works for both interpretations.

Neptune, Chiron, Mars and Mercury have already wound up in the ultimate sign. That’s a lot of energy in one modality. If the Sun’s ingress does not induce overload (or overflow), its first encounters should provide valuable hints about its remaining time in Pisces.

Cuno will the first encounter, though not by much. It’s not an A-list asteroid for most astrologers, but it winds up on the scene of meaningful solar events more than many of its counterparts of only nominal cachet. 2012 provided two impressive examples.

Named after the blue-collar astronomer who discovered it, Cuno (properly 4183 Cuno) opposed the Sun’s ingress to Cancer last year from the first degree of Capricorn. That opposition marked the first solstice of 2012, and Cuno was holding the place of the second one, which as you recall, didn’t wind up as a dead end for you.

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