As You Know It — Sun Conjunct Neptune

When the Pisces Sun conjoins Neptune at 2:18 am EST on Thursday, many of you will be asleep. That will probably be a good thing. Neptune’s association with dreams, and the Sun’s connection with consciousness, makes the combination suitable for the wee hours (though the conjunction is already in effect).

Astrology by Len Wallick

Regardless of when you sleep on Thursday, however, when you awaken it would be a good idea to observe the Sun’s conjunction to Neptune by giving thought to your relationship with truth as you know it.

Neptune’s relationship to the truth is double-edged. The outermost gas giant of the solar system is often associated with delusion and deception. Yet, there is another side to Neptune: the truth you have the power to make.

As Robert Hand once observed, “Everything that man dreams of making come true as well as everything that man thinks is true, even though it isn’t, comes under the influence of Neptune.” Astrology indicates that your part in that influence is greater now than at any time in living memory. That’s because Neptune currently resides in the sign it rules.

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