Precepts — Mercury and Saturn Retrograde

For today only, anger not, worry not, be humble, with gratitude work on myself, be kind to all
one translation of Reiki Precepts ascribed to Usui Sensei

Mercury begins its Pisces retrograde at 4:41 am EST Saturday. Saturn’s first reversal since entering Scorpio on Oct. 5, 2012, began last Monday. What Pisces and Scorpio have in common is elemental water. Among the ways Mercury and Saturn express in your life, both serve as teachers. Every retrograde, regardless of planet or sign, symbolically takes you back to review, relearn and realize your life.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In the case of elemental water retrogrades, the emblematic journey back is upstream to tributaries of experience. The idea is to better navigate now by revisiting where and what you recently were.

By the time it resumes forward motion again on July 7, Saturn’s retrograde will have reversed course to where it, and you, were during the middle of November of 2012.

That’s a lot of water under the bridge. When Mercury stations direct again on March 17, it will have bucked the current back to Feb. 8, when the Aquarius Sun may have had you more conscious of your crew than your headings.

Now, the emphasis is on water. Today, the Sun, Mars, Neptune and Chiron (to name just the major players) are part of Mercury’s Pisces crew. That circumstance implies a more personal emphasis, with a greater focus on what you feel.

One of the things about revisiting old waters is remembering how you felt, and how those feelings either contributed to or took you away from the now. It is not uncommon to worry about the course ahead. By retracing that course, one of the things you can realize is that most of those worries never came to pass, serving only to scuttle your full appreciation of the present. In the weeks and months to come, you will have the opportunity to learn that worry does you more harm than good.

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