Your Best Foot — Venus Enters Pisces

Venus entered its Pisces exaltation at 9:03 pm EST yesterday as if to say it’s time to put your best foot forward with a new sense of what that means. It’s partially because Pisces is associated with feet. In addition, the meaning of Venus includes what you sense is most attractive.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Finally, exaltation is a form of distinction (or dignity, as astrologers put it) that means both the planet and the sign of its exaltation attain the highest ideal of expression in each other’s company.

This year, Venus ingressed Pisces to find a lot of company. The Sun, retrograde Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron are just the major players now wearing the same energetic uniform from which Venus expresses itself best.

If uniforms make a team, then Venus by benefit of being most dignified in the outfit, is the acknowledged leader. In the case of Pisces, the team captain has arrived at a good time. The team’s ruler, Neptune, is still getting its feet wet, having returned to its home sign less than two years after having drifted around the zodiac for nearly a century and a half. During that long absence, Neptune acquired the reputation of a salty dog, and all of us will need some time to trust the Foggy One enough to follow the dreams it represents.

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