Give It Time — Sun Conjunct Mercury

Monday, when Mercury passes between Earth and the Sun, their brief Pisces conjunction will be busily aspected. That may mean a busy day for you. You may see conflict and feel doubt, but that will be detail. Details have their place, and it usually is not a central one. Since the Sun’s conjunction to Mercury will pass quickly, its central meaning will be to give events time to do the same.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Giving events time to pass does not mean that you ignore them. It means not getting caught up in them. That’s what makes the solar merger with Mercury both inseparable from and central to Monday’s complex astrology.

The actual Sun is inseparable from day and light. Day, in turn, is the natural time to be conscious and aware of the world. That’s how the Sun corresponds with consciousness for astrology. Just as the innermost planet is never far from the Sun, Mercury’s archetype of the mind and its means of communication is never far from consciousness. When the Sun and Mercury conjoin, it represents an appropriate time to merge awareness and thinking as one.

Being both conscious and thoughtful is central to being present for events without being caught up and swept away by them. In order to do that, you must not only give events enough time to transpire, you must also give some time to yourself.

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