Insight and Audacity — Mercury Ingress Leo

Mercury enters tropical Leo Thursday, shortly before 6:46 pm EDT (22:46 UT), indicating a potential for both insight and audacity. Insight works from the inside out to either empower or overwhelm. Audacity stimulates a similar response from the outside in. Your challenge will be to choose empowerment.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Behind the potentialities for both deeper understanding and bolder expression are the powerful objects Mercury will emblematically merge with upon ingress to Leo — Jupiter and the Sun.

The Sun dominates the solar system with its gravity, and your daytime sky with its light. The Sun also rules Leo. The Sun’s power while traversing Leo (as it is now) is thus symbolically enhanced.

That’s how any other objects moving through Leo with the Sun (as Jupiter is, and as Mercury is about to do) might implicitly be interpreted as being overwhelmed by the Sun.

Nevertheless, there’s another way of looking at the situation. You have a choice. You can choose to perceive the implicit as only the apparent.

As if to emphasize its apparent hegemony, the Sun’s dominance also extends into the explicit. Jupiter even now remains out of unaided sight in the solar glare after passing behind (conjoining) the Sun on July 24. Mere hours after Mercury enters Leo, it too will vanish into the Sun’s rays as its orbit eventually takes it behind (and into conjunction with) the Sun on Aug. 8.

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