Personal Contact — Mercury Conjunct Venus

When retrograde Mercury makes its brief Pisces conjunction to Venus while tomorrow flows into Thursday, it will symbolize a time when you can make effective personal contact with history and the world. The nature and cycles of Mercury and Venus will make it personal. What will make it historical is the astrology you are in the midst of and how it correlates to what is going on in the world at large.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mercury and Venus (along with the Sun, Moon and Mars) are foremost among the objects considered to be “personal planets” by astrologers. It has to do with how the apparent motion of those objects compare to the cycles and length of your life.

The cycles of your life are probably synchronized with the Earth’s rotation and it’s orbit around the Sun. One full rotation of the Earth is a daily cycle of about 24 hours. After the Earth has completed a full circuit around the Sun, a year has elapsed.

During the course of a day, the Sun appears to move from East to West. During the course of a year, the Sun’s risings and settings move from extreme south (at the Capricorn Solstice) to extreme north (at the Cancer Solstice) and back again. Those apparent solar motions are the standard for the cycles your life. They are also the template for defining a personal planet. 

The solar cycles repeat many times in your life. That is also how a “personal planet” is defined. All objects in the personal category complete a full circuit of the 12 signs frequently. During the probable course of your lifetime, even Mars (the personal planet of slowest apparent motion) will have circled the zodiac more times than you have fingers and toes.

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