Your Energy — Mars Enters Aries

Mars returns to its Aries home fires at 2:26 am EDT Tuesday morning. Immediately upon ingress to the fire sign it rules, Mars will conjoin with the asteroid Hygiea. Those two objects, their placement, and mutual timing will combine to indicate where and to what purpose your energy may best be put next week, but only you can make it happen.

Astrology by Len Wallick

“Mars,” as Robert Hand succinctly reminds us, “is an energy planet.” You and all living beings have a special relationship with energy, and hence Mars. Energy enables the animation of your physical being.

Beyond animating your physical being, keeping your body at about 98.6 degrees, and giving you the wherewithal to read these words, your energy provides you with the choice of where to put it. You can choose to put your energy into anger, worry, conflict, video games, or any number of things. One of the ways Mars functions in in your life is as a symbolic guide for timing those decisions.

When Mars enters the first degree of Aries, it and Hygiea will occupy what is referred to as the Aries Point. That’s where the Sun will be on the Vernal Equinox, in about two weeks, initiating the pattern of a new season. Every being on Earth experiences an equinox at the same time. That makes it a significant event.

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