Celestial Song — Sun, Venus and Pisces

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
— Jerry Rafferty and Joe Egan

As tropical astrology’s year enters its last days before renewing with the solar ingress to Aries (the Vernal Equinox) on March 20, the Pisces Sun and Venus will collaborate on a mutable composition. The Sun’s role is always to set the tone, defining the days at hand. This year, Venus is following in close Pisces harmony, a few days behind the Sun, repeating every solar aspect as if to refrain a celestial song about all you are in the middle of, and all in the midst of you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The Sun’s part to play in aspect brings the light as well as the date. Your optimum conscious experience of that part would be of a succession of energies playing a discernible tune over the next week or so.

Venus corresponds more with how you will feel the music of the spheres. That is especially true as feelings contribute to evaluation, priorities and decision-making.

Of all the aspects voiced first through the Sun, and then by Venus over the week to come, none will be felt more acutely than squares.

Square aspects are how signs of like quality (cardinal, fixed or mutable) harmonize with each other, if you could call it that. At 90 degrees of separation on the zodiac circle, the symbolically implied harmony of a square does not correspond to soothing mellow arrangements. Rather, to get your attention and prompt you to action, the celestial song of a square is discordant.

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