How You Make It — Mercury Station Direct

Mercury resumes forward motion shortly after 4 pm EDT Sunday, ending its Pisces retrograde and implicitly leaving you with a decision. The particulars will be as unique as you are. The astrology of Mercury’s direct station, however, indicates that circumstances will come down to either making it good or making good on it, whatever “it” is for you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Neither decision is necessarily good or bad. The choice between two very different things, just as Mercury will be when it turns on a dime and gives you ten cents change, will hinge more on how you do than what you do.

Mercury’s turn away from Neptune’s Pisces position will be akin to polishing the dime. A shiny coin is of no greater monetary value, but the appeal is not worthless either. Presentation does not make a meal more nutritious, but nourishment is more than vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. If next week finds you needing to make it good to get by, consider that your motivations and the spirit of your effort can take you from getting by to getting better.

While a grocery clerk is not impressed with the appearance of your money, a child who receives some as a gift might well be. More than that, taking the trouble to go to the bank for some crisp bills and newly minted coins is a message to yourself about how much you care. The same is true for a dinner made from scratch and served by candlelight on matching china with cloth napkins. It’s the sort of making it good that makes you better.

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