Beyond Safety — Libra Full Moon

Sun and Moon are passing figures of countless generations, and years coming and going wanderers too.
— Matsuo Basho

The Full Libra Moon will oppose the Aries Sun at 5:27 am EDT tomorrow. It will be an auspicious signal to begin a journey to the interior. Of course, you need not go. Like all of astrology, the cycles and patterns of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) may be safely ignored for the most part.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It is, however, to your advantage to let the Sun, Moon and the original wanderers (the planets) guide you beyond safety at this time.

Many find it helpful to receive guidance on the luminaries and planets. That’s the service astrologers offer. Among the best forms of that service are Planet Waves horoscopes. There has never been a better time than now to join those already on that path.

All of us now have the opportunity, at least figuratively, to emulate the path of Matsuo Basho, the famed Japanese poet. Besides his contributions to literature, Basho was known for the long journeys on foot that he risked and recorded. His writings of those tours have since guided, and will continue to guide, countless generations to follow. Your turn comes with the Libra Full Moon.

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