Nothing To Dread — Sun Square Pluto

March ends with Aries Sun square Pluto in Capricorn at 11:05 pm EDT Sunday. It will be nothing to dread. It will be something like the Planets Waves membership drive that has been going on this month. Something you can ignore. Something you can avoid. But also something that could change your life if you are willing to act.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Please consider what the act of spending $49.00 represents over the course of a year. Less than one dollar for a world-class horoscope every week, and more.

‘World class’ means specific enough to resonate with your life consistently, and usefully. It also means a read as clear as day, but with a complex array of data behind the illumination that reveals the unlit corners of your life as nothing to dread, rather simply a place to change direction.

Similarly enlightening is the rare experience of actual journalism (not the cut-and-pasted press releases that so often pass for news) that informs and empowers Planet Waves members along with their weekly horoscopes.

To get all that, the only action required of you is accepting the special membership offer, releasing less than one dollar a week from your annual budget, and adjusting to the difference in order to begin a whole new season of your own.

When the Sun entered cardinal Aries just over a week ago, it started new season for the entire Earth. The solar square to Pluto in cardinal Capricorn is your cue to act on co-creating a new season for yourself. It begins with getting over the dread.

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