Tendency and Tension — Last Quarter Moon

The last quarter Moon at 12:37 am EDT tomorrow initiates a good day to catch up with your tendencies. Initiate, because the Capricorn Moon and Aries Sun will be cruising cardinal signs, where new seasonal patterns begin. Catch up, because the Moon is getting closer to the Sun every day. Your tendencies, because that’s where the last lunar quarter takes us, inside where your habits live.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Many of your habits serve you well. Brushing after eating, for instance. Some of your other dispositions are maintained simply because you are attached to them.

Attachments are powerful. So powerful, that it is sometimes difficult to tell where you leave off and where they begin. As with your tendencies, many are good for you. Family and/or community ties encourage mutual support, for example.

At other times attachments, as the word implies, are only a burden. An unfortunate attachment can lead to a confusing crisis. That’s because consciously releasing the attachment itself can feel more difficult than the problems you can consciously associate with it. 

Dane Rudhyar corresponded the last quarter Moon to a “crisis in consciousness.” That does not mean you are fated to suffer. Instead, the observation is consistent with what you see of this lunar phase on a zodiac chart, in the sky, and the symbolic implications of both.

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