The Sun As Well — Venus Conjunct Mars

What subtleties you sense this weekend during the Aries conjunction of Venus and Mars will anticipate what you can’t see yourself doing yet. That’s because the first merger of Venus and Mars since May of 2011 will be taking place on the other side of the Sun. The Sun will thus be conjoined as well, and that will make all the difference.

Astrology by Len Wallick

All conjunctions have two symbolic attributes. The first is a new cycle initiating for the conjoined objects. The second is a blending of the archetypes each participant represents.

The Sun brings something extra. It is what Robert Hand has called the “triggering function of the transiting Sun,” corresponding to a greater consciousness of energies receiving solar aspects.

Hence, the conjunction of Venus and Mars at 12:58 am EDT Sunday will be out of sight, but not out of mind. It would be nice to see silver-bright Venus cozy up to ruddy Mars. They don’t get together every year. Contrary to appearances, and thanks to the Sun, their collaboration this weekend will show up in less than obvious ways. Nevertheless, if you are aware, you will be able to tell. It will work according to how the nature of each planet comes together with your experience of life.

You can spot how Venus works as attraction and receptivity. When the good things you do are returned in kind, that’s the brightest planet just over your shoulder, working through you. The same synchronicity accounts for when your values are redeemed or reciprocated, often creating a bond in the process.

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