Homecoming — Mercury and Venus

Before next week gets up any steam, Mercury and Venus will have come home in some way. That’s a lot of shift on the zodiac fan in a short period of time. It could correspond to some astounding events coming home for you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mercury enters its esoteric Aries home at 10:37 pm EDT Saturday. (Mercury is the ‘esoteric’ ruler of Aries; according to Alice A. Bailey, each sign has three ruling planets. Mars is the ‘orthodox’ ruler of Aries that most people know about.)

Venus enters Taurus at 3:25 EDT Monday, where it is the ‘orthodox’ ruler. You’re probably aware of the Venus-Taurus association (Venus is also the ‘orthodox’ ruler of Libra).

Regardless of events, the implied grounding of two energetic archetypes (Mercury and Venus) should help you to handle whatever manifests. The key will be to balance confidence and restraint.

Mercury expressed through Aries is not all that much different from Mars, orthodox ruler of the same field of cardinal fire. In both cases, there is the astonishing energy of a seedling pushing up a sidewalk. The same refreshingly impulsive initiative away from equilibrium can also be expected from either. At variance is where the energy comes from.

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