One Simple Truth — Sun Enters Taurus

The Sun enters tropical Taurus at 6:03 pm Friday to say now is the time. In general, solar Taurus is the time when the season initiated by solar Aries becomes plainly evident. Specific to this year, the Sun’s ingress to Taurus will be a time for all good people to feel and restore anew the simple truth of our connection to the Earth, and each other.

Astrology by Len Wallick

For thousands of years, human existence was an agrarian existence, which required a sense of connection with our planet to be sustainable. The many generations who derived their sustenance directly from the Earth were obliged to understand and participate in its cycles. From such practices, reinforced by the experience of each generation, came the simple values that shaped every human culture, the consciousness symbolized by solar Taurus.

Then, many things changed rapidly; but one thing did not change at all.

Humanity’s relationship with our planet changed rapidly with recent centuries, and with it our relationship to each other and our physical selves. A sense of separation displaced obligatory participation. Things got out of balance. Now, the consequences are widespread, as plainly evident as the season. It seems that nothing and nobody is well anymore, that ill will and ill health are the rule, but all is not lost. 

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