Conferred Perspective — Sun Opposing Saturn

A Taurus Sun will oppose Saturn’s sail through Scorpio this weekend for the first time since April 1985. Admittedly, the annual event of Earth passing between Saturn and the Sun doesn’t match the majesty of the eclipse cycle we enter today. Nevertheless, 28 years have transpired since Saturn last faced the Sun across the zodiac circle from Scorpio. That length of time confers a perspective eclipses cannot provide.  

Astrology by Len Wallick

Any solar tour of a fixed modality (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) places you fully in the season at hand. It’s the gift of being in the moment, but moments always pass.

Perspective helps you put what must pass in its place, as part of a longer, larger cycle of events. That does not mean the moment is devoid of value. The ephemeral is precious precisely because it does not last.

Grasping that concept rather than attempting to grasp onto what must pass allows you to become what you now are not. It prepares your place in what is yet to be. That’s how Saturn works.

Saturn brings structure with its long cycles. When it returns to where it was long before, it favors restructuring to suit what has come to be in the interim.

Implicit in Saturn’s return to the simultaneously fixed and fluid field of Scorpio is the opportunity to participate in reshaping not only your life for years to come, but also history for decades to come. A comparatively brief, but long deferred, opposition from the Taurus Sun only asks that you begin the process by consciously considering your moment, the options it offers, and the consequences that come with each one.

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