It’s Your Business — Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Mars at the Taurus table tomorrow at 11:37 am EDT. It will be the image of a business lunch. Earthy Taurus will evoke a meal. The Sun’s precise earth trine to Pluto will connect with Capricorn’s business sense. Finally, theĀ ‘personal’ natures of Mercury, Venus and Mars will imply that the business at hand is your own.

Astrology by Len Wallick

For most of human history, the business at hand during solar Taurus has been direct, intimate contact between you, other beings, and the Earth itself. It was only during the last century that something has come in between.

What has come in between is big business. For the most part, that has been a big mistake. Like most big mistakes, it seemed like a good idea at first.

It appeared to be a good idea for fewer people to produce more food. Many thought it an even better notion to expand production and distribution. The term ‘ready to eat’ became a virtually unquestioned virtue. Yet, the huge business entities that control the production and distribution of your food do not display virtuous conduct. That does not bode well for your direct and intimate contact with them.

Every time you eat, you are making intimate contact with where your food comes from. Mercury’s ingress to Taurus this year heralds a good time to start thinking about that.

In the symbolism of astrology, Mercury represents your mind and how you use it. That, and the fact that Mercury completes many cycles during an average human lifetime, puts it in the category of a ‘personal planet’. The definition of many cycles in the course of your lifeĀ also defines the Sun, Venus and Mars as personal. To have them moving through Taurus together (as they will until May 9, when Venus moves on to Gemini) represents a time to begin reclaiming the personal business recent generations have ceded to big business.

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