Soon To Appear — Sun Conjunct Mercury

From out of the West!
— the opening line from “The Lone Ranger” radio shows of the early 20th Century (followed by Rossini’s musical theme — and goosebumps!)

Today, the Moon passes in front of the Sun for a solar eclipse. This weekend, Mercury passes behind the Sun for an exterior (or “superior”) conjunction. Mercury is the fourth sign-ruling planet (after Venus, Mars and Uranus) to disappear behind solar glare in recent weeks, giving symbolic support to the idea that a great deal of what has been coming is soon to appear.

Astrology by Len Wallick

That’s partially because a great deal is about to appear in the western twilight nearest you.

Jupiter is there now, near the end of a long run across the entire sky that started in the east late last year, as if to preview coming attractions.

As soon as tomorrow evening, depending on your weather and location, you may see astrology’s emblem of attraction in the twilight. That is when Venus is scheduled to make its premiere, alongside the first visible lunar crescent after today’s New Moon and eclipse, together on the red carpet of dusk. Even if you can’t see it, take a moment and think about it. Venus and the Moon are returning to the solar spotlight together at the same time, coming at you from out of the west.

If that doesn’t raise goosebumps, the corresponding events about to appear over the horizon of your life probably will.

The wide-screen picture of current astrology implies that events about to ride into your life will serve to further dispel any remaining illusion that your existence is somehow separate from the rest of us. It begins with what the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars have in common. Their cycles are short in duration, repeating many times over a lifetime. That’s how they come to be called ‘personal’.

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