Also a Diamond — Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury breezes home to Gemini at 4:41 pm EDT tomorrow. While also generally recognized as the ruler of Virgo, there is no better place than mutable air for the planetary emblem of mind to really sparkle. Even though Mercury returns to Gemini annually, this year is special, compelling a sparkle or two from you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

A compelling set of circumstances combines with Mercury’s Gemini ingress tomorrow. The explicit and symbolic will converge to imply that whatever you think you are, you are also a diamond.

Foremost among the explicit circumstances is Mercury’s sparkling return from behind the Sun, as seen in this video from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite.

Before the end of the month, Mercury will also be visible from the ground along with its Gemini mates, Venus and Jupiter, like diamonds following the Sun’s daily descent.

The implicit part of Mercury’s trip to Gemini tomorrow is in the first aspect it will make after entry, a conjunction in the first degree of its rulership with the centaur object Asbolus.

The name “Asbolus” roughly translates as “soot” or “carbon dust” — evoking, in combination, the countenance of the mythical centaur who went by that name, the surface appearance of the solar system object bestowed with that name, and the basic stuff from which both you and diamonds are made: carbon.

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