Missing Peace — Chiron Becalmed

Well maybe it is just the time of year, or maybe it’s the time of man.
— Joni Mitchell, “Woodstock”

Psst… Chiron is all but standing still. Overshadowed by eclipses, outshone by planets in the twilight, the definitive centaur is becalmed on the waters of Pisces, holding the same degree since May 4. In that spot it will remain until the last few days of July, representing the peace you may be missing, and the time out required to find it.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If you are like most people, peace is hard to come by. Even if you are not among the millions ducking bullets, you cannot duck the ramifications of rapidity in recent astrology.

The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all moving through the zodiac about as fast as they ever do right now. Add to that three (rather than the usual two) eclipses in a row. Throw in the functional continuum of Uranus and Pluto in cardinal square, recently punctuated by yet another precise aspect, and it’s no wonder if your mind is racing, your pulse beating headlong in circles.

Yet, in every cyclonic phenomenon, there is an eye of kinetic contrast. Chiron has that that role at the moment, and there is reason, as well as timing, in how it comes to be that way. Yet, still waters run are known to run deep. Like peace itself, the path of centaur planets is neither shallow nor simple to pursue.

The path Chiron follows through the solar system is the defining template for all centaurs. Its 51-year circuit is highly elliptical compared to Mercury or Venus; more inclined to the plane of Earth’s annual course around the Sun than the lunar orbit; and symbolically it connects the paths of history by crossing between the orbits of outer planets (in Chiron’s case, Saturn and Uranus).

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