Take It In — After The Eclipses

Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got `til it’s gone.
— Joni Mitchell

Astrology’s message after tomorrow’s Sagittarius Full Moon and lunar eclipse (which Genevieve Hathaway is covering today) will be to take life in rather than taking it for granted. This does not mean you should eat or drink too much. It means you should engage with and support the good things life offers.

Astrology by Len Wallick

You are halfway there, supporting and engaging with the good things life offers, when you read Planet Waves — and Planet Waves meets your support more than half way when you become a subscribing member. This is where a small investment will expand in your life like Jupiter, and last much longer.

Jupiter is not long for either Gemini or the western sky. After eleven months in mutable air, Jupiter has only weeks to go before its light leaves the night, beginning a year-long cruise through Cancer’s cardinal waters at about the same time. If you have the time to take in the sunset during what remains of this season, please hang out a while longer to take in Jupiter while you can.

You will know Jupiter because of the astonishing fact that it will be only the second brightest object in the twilight. Below and brighter will be Venus, rising to conjoin and enhance Jove’s ephemeral opulence. It is fitting that the Venusian emblem of value will lend its presence to the evenings following a long and trying eclipse cycle that concludes with tomorrow’s lunar eclipse.

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