Three Easy Steps — Partnering With Mercury

If you feel something imminent, the planets agree. You can be part of it in three easy steps. Three major planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) will have exchanged their current field of expression (that is, their current sign) for another sign by this time next week. Mercury will lead the way, entering Cancer shortly after 3 am EDT this Friday. That gives you time to take the first step.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Time and again, how and what you think correlates to what Mercury is doing. That does not mean you are a planet’s puppet. It means you can be a planet’s partner.

You can begin your partnership with Mercury by being aware of where it’s been, where it is, and where it is going. Right now, it is hosting a get-together.

Mercury is a host until Friday’s ingress to Cancer because it rules the current field of its expression: Gemini. The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are in soiree there now, symbolically sorting things out. That probably fits your situation now.

After three eclipses in four weeks, April likely feels like long ago. For those of you in the United States, a long holiday weekend may have entailed some miles traveled as well. After all of that, it would not be surprising if you needed to launder your socks and get them organized again. As with socks, so with thoughts, and that means slowing down long enough to get it done.

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