Take Heart — Mars and Venus In Hand

Mars enters Gemini at 6:39 am EDT tomorrow. Venus leaves Gemini for Cancer at 10:13 pm EDT Sunday. After Venus enters Cancer, astrology’s version of Yin and Yang will not share the same sign again until 2015. In the meantime, your part will be to take heart, and take a hand in how Venus and Mars work in your life so that they work together well.

Astrology by Len Wallick

You can tell that Venus and Mars are working together well when there is no waste. Both planets cohabiting Gemini for the next three days will be your chance to think, and talk about that.

“Mars,” in the words of Robert Hand, “is an energy planet.” With nowhere to go and nothing to do, energy of any kind can get out of hand and become destructive.

That form of waste is rather straightforward and easy to recognize. Usually, it takes the form of loss. Mental energy with nowhere to go and nothing to do can result in a loss of sleep, making you feel wasted. Physical energy without purpose and place can lead to injury and physical destruction.

How the Venusian archetype works in your life is more subtle. It is not the opposite of Martian energy, rather it is a complement, in that it completes the other half of the picture. By itself, however, the subtlety of how Venus expresses in your life can be insidious, less easy to detect than Martian energy, and wasteful in a less than obvious way.

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