Drop In The Sea — Neptune Station Retrograde

Neptune’s apparent motion through Pisces will have reversed by 4:25 am EDT Friday. The change of direction itself will be almost imperceptible, like a drop in the sea. The real substance of its turnaround will be Neptune’s precise grand water trine with Venus (in Cancer) and Saturn (in Scorpio). Hence, a nearly indiscernible event, like Friday’s Neptune station retrograde, will symbolically hold a powerful truth for you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The established order treats you like a drop in the sea, but it fears the truth that you are much more. The extent of that fear is evident in how power structures worldwide react out of proportion to insignificant provocations.

Planet Waves writer Fe Bongolan reported on just such a disproportional reaction yesterday. Days ago, a small number of Turkish citizens demonstrated their love for a public park by peaceably assembling there. Big nation. Small park. A few members of the public. A drop in a sea of thousands of square miles and millions of people. Yet, from the government’s reaction, you would think it was an invasion.

Actually, it was an invasion. The invasion of a powerful truth. A notion that permeates borders. It is a concept that brutality and atrocities cannot deplete. That just as every drop of water is ultimately inseparable from the sea, every person is one with humanity. It’s no wonder the elite in possession of only artificial wealth, wielding only the power of fear, are themselves afraid. An idea long held back is threatening to wash them down history’s drain. 

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