You Are Equal — Cancer Solstice, Capricorn Full Moon

I am out to sing songs that will prove to you that this is your world.
Woody Guthrie

The Sun’s ingress to cardinal Cancer just before 1:04 am EDT tomorrow initiates a new season. At 7:32 am EDT Sunday, the Capricorn Full Moon will define itself in solar opposition. Seasonal advents and luminary oppositions, among astrology’s bigger occasions, are seldom so concurrent. When they are, big events are implied.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In this case, regardless of events, indications are that you can be their equal.

It is not easy for you to feel equal to the events of your lifetime. Advertising is dedicated to making you feel inferior unless and until you purchase a product to make up for a deficiency you are conditioned to perceive.

Ironically, even social advocates who profess to support you too often disparage you. Witness how frequently your are shamed as a “sheep” by champions of justice because your response to events does not meet their expectations. As if that is supposed to motivate you.

Tomorrow we enter a season for you to release yourself from the conditioning imposed by the power elite. A season when you can refuse to relate to the established order from a position of inferiority.

This weekend, the Moon asks you to shine in all of your fullness. To refuse to be shamed, even by those with whom you would link your arms in solidarity of cause. To recognize that supporting the mystery animating your body against all odds is a necessary prerequisite to any support you would receive or extend in the body. To motivate yourself by acting to prove that your equality is in deed, as well as in word, self-evident.

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