Show How — Water Trine Sun

Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others, it is the only means.
— Albert Einstein

Before tomorrow is history, know-how will be on the way out, and show-how will be on the way in. It begins with Jupiter’s ingress to cardinal Cancer just before 9:40 pm EDT today. It will flow into the reversal of Mercury’s apparent motion through watery Cancer tomorrow shortly after 9 am EDT. All very showy stuff, but nothing shows more than the Sun.

Astrology by Len Wallick

All during the 24 hours of Jupiter’s grand entrance and Mercury’s retreat, the Cancer Sun will illuminate how to handle it by being precisely positioned to take its turn in the grandest water trine since the origin of our modern calendar.

Retrograde Neptune has held forth continuously from its Pisces home for more than a year after a century and a half of hiatus. Retrograde Saturn has entered the third season of its first Scorpio sojourn since the 20th century. Mercury retrograde will reprise 1967, and Jupiter’s return to Cancer will take us back to the first year of our still-new millennium. The like of this combination, collaborating through the water signs, has not seen the light of day since before our calendar was first used. A light of day which comes from only one place.

Solar preeminence is so pervasive as to require no gilding. There is no other source of day or light. That’s how, in astrology, the Sun comes to symbolize consciousness itself, without which there is only darkness.

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