Heart and Handle — Venus enters Leo

Venus crosses the zodiac’s heart today from Cancer (ruled by the Moon) to Leo (ruled by the Sun) giving you a handle on the astrology. To grasp how that works, visualize the zodiac as a circular fan. Imagine the handle at the cusp where Cancer and Leo adjoin, then consider the signs and their original planetary rulers as they fan out from there.

Astrology by Len Wallick

On either side of Cancer and Leo are Gemini and Virgo, both ruled by the innermost planet, Mercury.

Pretty cool how that works — not as coincidence, but as a pattern.

Fanning outward and around from Gemini and Virgo you find Taurus and Libra, ruled by Venus.

Then, you round the bends to Aries and Scorpio, where Mars reigns. Next, there are Pisces and Sagittarius, both realms of Jupiter. Finally, on the other side of the circle from Venus today are Capricorn and Aquarius, under the auspices of Saturn.

The luminaries, Sun and Moon, are indisputably the heart of astrology. Among all the things you can see in the sky, they are the brightest. Their aspects to each other, from conjunction (at a New Moon), to opposition (at a Full Moon) and in between, are the templates from which all other aspects are interpreted.

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