Reformation — Saturn Station Direct

Saturn resumes direct motion through fixed Scorpio at 1:11 am EDT Monday, ending a retrograde period that got underway on February 18, and symbolically initiating creative reformation. Symbolically, because only you can make it real. Initiating, because two hours after Saturn’s station direct, the cardinal Cancer New Moon begins a new lunar cycle in the same sign the Sun entered last month to start a new season.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Creative, because Saturn will be precisely trine to Neptune’s mutable Pisces paradigm of possibility. Reformation, because that’s what Saturn does.

If you see ‘road apples’ on the road, you know a horse has been there. If you sense form, structure or definition in your life, you know Saturn has been there.

By this time, nearly every being on Earth can sense that the tangible and intangible structures defining life as we know it are on the verge of taking on new forms. Faced with that, your choices come down to three.

You can ignore or deny what is happening, and wake up one fine day among the road apples. You can resist the Universe itself and find yourself among those who have bet on the wrong horse. Or you can collaborate with the Cosmos in co-creating reform for yourself and the collective.  

The question is how to ride with the astrology. The answer is a little horse sense. The luminaries (Sun and Moon) will conjoin as they do every month to provide the timing.

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