Energy and Emphasis — Mars Enters Cancer

Like a dog without a bone, an actor out on loan, riders on the storm.
— The Doors

Mars enters cardinal, watery Cancer Saturday at 9:22 am EDT with an emphasis on energy — your energy. The keyword is energy because that’s what Mars fundamentally is. How you experience the emphasis may be unconventional, and your employment of the energy will probably require innovation because of where Mars will be.

Astrology by Len Wallick

When Mars traverses Cancer (as it does every other year), it opposes Capricorn. Traditional astrology has Mars exalted in Capricorn, meaning it’s comfortable and empowered there. 

In the terminology of conventional astrology, the sign opposing a planet’s exaltation is said to be where the planet is “in fall.” An object in fall is considered to be incomplete, impaired, weak and doing without. Nevertheless, this will be no time to write Mars off, nor your own energy.

We do not live in conventional times. Traditional astrology does not provide a complete picture. We are all riders on the storm. To meet the storm’s energy with your own, it will be necessary to be innovative and employ unconventional means to make up for what you have to do without.

Fortunately, the context of this year’s Martian tango through Cancer provides everything your energy needs to improvise and prevail, beginning with Saturday’s ingress.

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