The Number Three — Uranus Station Retrograde

Uranus begins five months of apparent reverse motion through Aries at 1:20 pm EDT tomorrow. That itself is not unusual. This will be the fourth successive year Big Blue has initiated its annual regression from cardinal fire during July. Nevertheless, this particular retrograde station will be distinguished by the implications of what its timing repeatedly and symbolically represents: the number three.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Three, because of the historically significant aspect, a grand water trine, that will perfect just as Uranus stations retrograde.

Three, because of how modern history can be said to have started twice before and may be starting yet again. The first time in correlation with what makes tomorrow’s grand trine significant. The second time in correspondence to the discovery of Uranus.

Precisely as Uranus pivots tomorrow, three other slow-moving planets will be perfecting an aspect without modern precedent, the grand water trine of 2013-14.

The three other planets in question are Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. The unprecedented nature of their aspect begins with Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, where Neptune is now.

Neptune takes over 164 years to go around the Sun, and the zodiac. It spends about 14 years in each sign. That means a century and a half goes by before Neptune returns home to Pisces after having completed its time there.

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