Doppler Effect — Sun Into Leo

I could hear rain coming, i could hear the sirens sound, now my feet won’t touch the ground
— Coldplay, “Life in Technicolor II”

By the time the Sun enters Leo at 11:56 am EDT Monday, you may experience a Doppler Effect of sorts. In a few words, that means a series of things coming at you faster and closer together until they reach a peak, after which the frequency drops off. If that is how you are feeling, take heart; it is not a bad thing.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Most of us experience the Doppler Effect when an emergency vehicle with a siren approaches. As it nears, the pitch of the siren seems to become higher, as well as louder. The increased pitch is because the vehicle emitting the sound is getting closer with each emission. That makes the distance between the sound waves shorter, which is perceived as an increasingly higher frequency of sound as you are being approached.

In effect the vehicle is chasing, and catching up with, the sound it is making. In terms of astrology, the same thing is going on right now. It’s one significant event after the other coming at you with increasing frequency. It will continue through the weekend and should peak with the Aquarius Full Moon at 2:16 pm EDT Monday.

As for how that translates to you, imagine you had spent your entire life up to now in a remote rural area, never before hearing a siren. Imagine finding yourself in a bustling city for the first time and what a disquieting thing it would be to to have a loud, oscillating siren coming your way. With no idea of what it was, or what it meant, you could very possibly find it stressful, alarming, even cause for panic.

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