Now and Then — Solar Leo

You have survived yesterday’s Aquarius Full Moon and the busy astrology leading up to it. Now, it’s a good time to catch up to where you are and how you got here. When it comes to a conscious self-examination, or an awareness of your position and progress, there is no time better than when the Sun is traversing its Leo rulership.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The ascertainment availed by solar Leo is symbolically potent this year. That’s because the Sun is nearly halfway through its journey between conjoining the Taurus lunar south node and the Scorpio lunar north node. That’s another way of saying we are about halfway between eclipse cycles. If you think about your life over the last two or three months, understanding that single fact will go a long way towards achieving perspective.

There is a formidable correspondence of events in the public sphere to parallel your own experience since the immediately previous cycle of three eclipses. It started on April 25, when the newly Taurus Sun, on its way to conjoining with the lunar south node, opposed a Scorpio Full Moon, precipitating a lunar eclipse.

Saturn, in direct motion through Scorpio since July 7, is now precisely conjunct the degree of the April 25 lunar eclipse for the second time since it happened. That means you should now be able to discern with significant depth what has taken shape since then.

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