Inclusion — Last Quarter Moon

The Moon enters Taurus at 12:43 am EDT Monday, to do a little more than just reach its last quarter phase 13 hours (to the minute) later. In addition to the aspect that defines a last quarter Moon (an applying square to the Leo Sun), half-lit Luna will complete a complex and intertwining set of major aspects that connect every sign-ruling object, symbolizing unprecedented inclusion.

Astrology by Len Wallick

For a while, it appeared that Mercury would be left out, but not so. Thanks to a Cancer conjunction with Rhiphonos, a centaur object named only two days ago, Mercury will be included in the role of including newcomers.

Astrologers have applied more than one name to next week’s historic, even unique, interconnection of every sign ruler.

Some have called it a “double trine,” some a “grand sextile,” even “diamond tetrahedron,” but no one word or phrase takes it all in. Nevertheless, you can say that the Taurus Moon will be the key.

Appropriately, Taurus is where the Moon is exalted. Exaltations are one of astrology’s ‘essential dignities’, and perhaps the most ancient. An object in exaltation is like a monarch on vacation, fully expressed and uninhibited.

Since Taurus is an earth sign, the Moon will be part of a grand earth trine to two other sign rulers in the other two earth signs: Pluto’s enduring Capricorn position, and Venus, which made ingress to Virgo only last week. The fixed quality of Taurus makes it all the more fitting that the Moon would be the object to ‘fix’ the grand combination of aspects in place just as next week begins.

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