Give and Take — Venus Sextile Mars

Give and take is a pervasive principle of your existence. From the very matter of which you are made, all the way to that which matters most for you, meaning is derived from exchange and reciprocation. This week Venus (surging across earthy Virgo) and Mars (cruising watery Cancer), are symbolically demonstrating that principle through their orientation to each other and the rest of the zodiac.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It begins with the nature of Venus and Mars as used in astrology. When you see, feel or embody the active or energetic, that’s Mars present and accounted for, working in your life.

Conversely, Venus is the receptive and attractive. When you are drawn to people, things or circumstances through through no action on their part, or when they are drawn to you, though your role be passive, that’s Venus in your pocket.

It is only through their give and take that the nature of Venus and Mars become evident in astrology. One archetype without the other is as meaningless and inconceivable as one side of a coin without the other.

Right now, Venus and Mars are in a functional, albeit developing, sextile, one of at least five other concurrent, spatially sequential sextiles constituting this week’s grand sextile daisy chain around the zodiac. The specific aspect between Venus and Mars will perfect on Friday when they are 60 degrees apart. In the meantime, the intrinsic collaboration between Venus and Mars is both lending to and deriving from the symbolism of the grand configuration.

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