Another Way — Leo New Moon

Have you recently found yourself saying or thinking that there has got to be another way? The Leo New Moon at 5:51 pm EDT Tuesday will symbolically demonstrate there are other ways, and how they might be found. You start with awareness of what a New Moon is. Then you add awareness of key events leading up to Tuesday’s New Moon, its placement, and the company it keeps, to find alternatives and options not evident now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

A New Moon is the prototypical conjunction. It is the Sun and Moon sharing the same point on the zodiac, the same longitude in the sky.

All conjunctions represent the beginning of a new cycle for the two objects involved. Implicitly, that beginning entails the two together as one. What the Sun and Moon represent in conjunction also represents how you might begin to be aware of alternatives.

The Sun is the only source of daylight. Daylight correlates to consciousness in a conventional sense, awake and interactive. The Moon corresponds to a complementary, but more private, level of consciousness, associated with intuition and feeling. When those two levels of consciousness are acting together as one, options either overlooked, or where you have not looked, are easier to find.

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