What You Think — Mercury Enters Leo

Mercury enters Leo at 8:13 am EDT Thursday with an emphasis on knowing what you think. Choosing to be fully present to and conscious of what you are thinking is easier said than done. As evidence, please consider how you many times in your life you have been compelled to ask yourself (after some unexamined thought has manifested into unpleasant reality), “What was i thinking?”

Astrology by Len Wallick

The implied objective of Mercury’s movement after Thursday will be to spare yourself from having to go through such bewilderment ever again — or at least for the next few months.

In order to attain that objective, you will need to cultivate awareness. It begins with where Mercury has been and for how long. It continues with understanding how that recent history is being expressed around and through you right now. It concludes with knowing how the innermost planet’s expression on Earth is almost certain to change real soon.

Like a sailboat making progress against uncooperative winds, Mercury has been tacking back and forth through the waters of cardinal Cancer since May 31. Think about that a moment. Normally the speediest planet clips through a sign in about two weeks. Taking over two months to traverse one-twelfth of its annual appointed rounds is not normal for astrology’s emblem of your mind.

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